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A goatee is the perfect complement for handlebar mustaches. :-{>~


For those who like acronyms:

Generic Object Action Template Execution Environment


First of all a citation from the originating “google-jstemplate” project:

Template processing is the staple pattern for separation of data and presentation in web applications. But it usually works on one page at a time, which is inadequate for incremental, asynchronous page updates typical of Ajax applications.

This system provides templates that allow for:

It also fixes other undesirable properties of standard template processing:

And, of course:

That’s what goatee is all about. So what’s the difference between “goatee”, “google-jstemplate” or other similar projects like “knockout.js” then ?

The answer: My goals. I promise that “goatee” will have …


Goatee is not yet installable, but some components are …


Goatee is not yet useable, but some components are … see above.


Read the annotated sources.


Install dependencies:

Install project:

$ git clone https://github.com/sjorek/goatee.js
$ cd goatee-js
$ npm install

Run build in *nix-like environments:

$ PATH=$PATH:./node_modules/.bin cake all

Run build in Windows environments (not tested):

$ set path=%PATH%;.\node_modules\.bin
$ setx path "%PATH%"
$ cake all

Credits go to …